This blog is dedicated to all the fat chicks out there that get counted out, because of their weight. I want to share my advice, experiences, ups, downs, awesome websites, special deals, and anything else that pops into my mind. Most importantly I hope I can make you laugh. Everybody needs to laugh :0D
Posted by
Grace Matthews
10:06 AM
Fat Finds
I have chosen Crystal Renn as my new hero!
She's HOT, SEXY, and Best Of ALL
She is a model that fought against the stereotypes of rail thin models.
I'm definately getting her book!
Yes! Finally. I'm excited to see a nicely formed lady on a catwalk. It's about time.
Those skinny kids are horrible to look at. I'm always afraid they'll fall over and snap in half...
She's undeniably gorgeous.
Actually, the model whose picture you posted above is not Crystal Renn but Kate Dillon, another well-known plus-size model.
At any rate, I've always been a fan of plus-size models. There's a great site with many images of Crystal, Kate and other plus-size models here:
They're all gorgeous.
The site's forum also has thought-provoking discussions about body image and the media.
UH! You are right. I apologize. Thanks for the heads up and the link. I changed the above picture to the Real Crystal Renn...OOPS! I guess I am human after all.
I have always admired Crystal Renn as I flipped through my Lane Bryant catalogs :) Thanks so much for this great post! She is just stunning.
Did you see the wig collection that Kim from TRWOA is making only the ones for the cats are a lot nicer
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